Thursday, November 19, 2009


Halloween 2009, North Carolina. We were invited by Hayden's friends' mom to join them at their church for "Trunk or Treat". They had a little party at the church a week before Halloween. The kids trick-or-treated from the trunks of all the cars. It was fun and they got quite a haul and Hayden got to spend some time with his friends (twins) before he had to move.

Logan was GI Joe

Hayden was Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th
(It was the cheapest costume ever!)

Bryn was a Bumble Bee with a broken appendage.

She loved wearing her costume! She won't wear one of my hair clippies but she'll wear antennae. Go figure.

Ready to get her treat on. (sans cast)

Of course it decided to rain when the kids were trick-or-treating. They still had fun, especially Bryn. She LOVED it!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

What a threesome! Love-em !!