Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hayden's Birthday dinner

Tonight we took Hayden to P.F. Changs for dinner. If you haven't been there...GO! It was fantastic. Hayden loves Chinese food, especially Almond Chicken. I even went out on a limb and tried something different...the fried noodles with chicken. Um...Yum! The boys even tried out the chop sticks.

Mommy and the Birthday Boy!

I can do it!

Me? Not so much.

Bryn was camera shy.

Chad's fortune cookie: You will move to a wonderful new home within the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, hard to imagine that Hayden is already 9. Boy, time sure flies. I remember him smaller. Sure has grown and gotten alot taller. Takes after Chad. Glad you all had a great time and enjoyed your chinese food. The picture of Hayden in the pool, is that yours or someone elses? Way cool fortune Chad received. See, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping things will work out for you all. Also hoping your homes sell soon. Good luck with everything and I wish only the best for you all, now and in the future and always.
